Masonry Structures: Behaviour and Design
Second Canadian Edition
The Second Edition is now on sale!
You can now officially put in your new order for the newly updated, second edition of our textbook: Masonry Structures: Behaviour and Design!! Now featuring a printed, current edition of CSA S304-14: Design of Masonry Structures.
Click here to proceed to the product page and place your order today!
A Comprehensive Resource for the Canadian Design Community
This book was written for the Canadian Design and Construction markets to aid in the effective use of masonry as a modern form of construction. It is intended for use by senior undergraduate students, graduate students, and practicing designers. The majority of the content relates to structural applications, but there is substantial information related to planning, building materials, the building envelope, and construction that is of direct interest to architects and builders. Those familiar with basic reinforced concrete design may more readily understand the material related to structural design content.
This comprehensive coverage of masonry extends from ancient forms of construction to current usage. It provides a broad introduction to design involving planning, materials science, structural design with explanation of design load requirements, building envelope design, and construction related issues. This fundamental behaviour of masonry is covered in this textbook and is the basis upon which design in accordance with CSA S304-14 “Design of Masonry Structures” is introduced. A full copy of the design standard (CSA S304-14) is included at the back of the book. The authors’ extensive and detailed involvement with writing of this and other referenced CSA masonry standards provides unique insight into how they are applied. Applications are further explained with the aid of detailed design examples.
To reflect the significant changes to the seismic provisions of the National Building Code of Canada, this textbook has extensive coverage on effective design for the increased seismic loading. A Post-Disaster structural design using loadbearing CMU is also featured in full detail.
Topics include:
- Introduction to Masonry: Overview of masonry materials, historical significance, and modern applications.
- Masonry Materials: Detailed analysis of brick, concrete blocks, mortar, and grout, including properties and specifications.
- Design Principles and Practices: Fundamental design considerations, structural analysis, and application of codes and standards.
- Structural Behavior: Understanding the structural behavior of masonry under various loading conditions, including out-of-plane behaviour, shear walls, partition walls and multi-storey applications.
- Seismic Design: Specific considerations for designing masonry structures in seismic zones, adhering to the latest codes and standards.
- Veneer Detailing and Performance: Architectural aspects of masonry, focusing on aesthetics, durability, detailing and construction techniques beneficial for architects.
- Detailing and Construction Practices: Best practices for detailing masonry structures, focusing on constructability, durability, and performance.
- Case Studies and Examples: Practical examples and case studies demonstrating the application of design principles in real-world projects.

Order your copy today
When clicking on the link above, you will be redirected to the Masonry Analysis Structural Systems page to buy the textbook, as the book is also part of our joint-venture with CCMPA
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call or email us!
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