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D.A. Laird1, R.G. Drysdale2, D.W. Stubbs3 and G.R. Sturgeon4

  1. Halsall Associates Ltd., Suite 2300, 2300 Yonge St., Toronto, ON, M4P 1E4,
  2. Professor of Civil Eng. & Martini, Mascarin & George Chair in Masonry Design, Director of the Centre for
  3. Effective Design of Structures, McMaster University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1280 Main St. W., Hamilton, ON, L8S 4L7,
  4. Canada Masonry Design Centre, 360 Superior Blvd., Mississauga, ON, L5T 2N7,
  5. Canada Masonry Design Centre, 210 Chinook Dr., Cochrane, AB, T4C 1E4,


The new CSA S304.1-04 structural design standard for masonry contains a large number of changes from the previous CSA S304.1-94. These include: mandatory limit states design; format; materials standards; load factors; concrete block types; resistance factors for masonry strength and stiffness; seismic provisions; rigidity of supports for masonry; fibre reinforced polymer reinforcing; composite walls; toothing of walls; sliding shear; two-way action of unreinforced wall panels; infill walls acting as shear walls; concentrated bearing resistance; unit masonry veneer; deflection requirements for lateral wind loads; reinforcement requirements; direction factor for compressive strength (χ); shear strength for beams; prestressed masonry; grout strength; dimension cut stone and manufactured stone; test methods; empirical design.

KEYWORDS: Code, limit states design, resistance factor, seismic, dimension cut stone.


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