D.A. Laird1, R.G. Drysdale2, D.W. Stubbs3 and G.R. Sturgeon4
- Halsall Associates Ltd., Suite 2300, 2300 Yonge St., Toronto, ON, M4P 1E4, dlaird@halsall.com
- Professor of Civil Eng. & Martini, Mascarin & George Chair in Masonry Design, Director of the Centre for
- Effective Design of Structures, McMaster University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1280 Main St. W., Hamilton, ON, L8S 4L7, drysdale@mcmaster.ca
- Canada Masonry Design Centre, 360 Superior Blvd., Mississauga, ON, L5T 2N7, dstubbs@canadamasonrycentre.com
- Canada Masonry Design Centre, 210 Chinook Dr., Cochrane, AB, T4C 1E4, gsturgeon@canadamasonrycentre.com
The new CSA S304.1-04 structural design standard for masonry contains a large number of changes from the previous CSA S304.1-94. These include: mandatory limit states design; format; materials standards; load factors; concrete block types; resistance factors for masonry strength and stiffness; seismic provisions; rigidity of supports for masonry; fibre reinforced polymer reinforcing; composite walls; toothing of walls; sliding shear; two-way action of unreinforced wall panels; infill walls acting as shear walls; concentrated bearing resistance; unit masonry veneer; deflection requirements for lateral wind loads; reinforcement requirements; direction factor for compressive strength (χ); shear strength for beams; prestressed masonry; grout strength; dimension cut stone and manufactured stone; test methods; empirical design.
KEYWORDS: Code, limit states design, resistance factor, seismic, dimension cut stone.