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7th Canadian Masonry Symposium

Hosted in Hamilton, Ontario, by McMaster University
and the Canada Masonry Design Centre

Conference Chair:

Dr. Robert G. Drysdale


As was the case in the six previous Symposia, the  Seventh Canadian Masonry Symposium was assigned to a host University and the entire organization and work involved was based on volunteer effort. At McMaster University this involved a major effort by the Engineering DocuCentre and by members of the Masonry Research Group. Other assistance from office staff in the Department of Civil Engineering, the Printing Department and Conference Services are also gratefully acknowledged.

The members of the Advisory Committee are thanked for their advice and their efforts in promoting this Symposium. Also, the start-up funding provided by the major sponsors was essential and very much appreciated. Of special note is the participation of the Masonry Society who added to the prestige of the Symposium by scheduling the 1995 TMS Summer Meeting at McMaster University during the weekend before the Symposium.

The major work of preparing for this Symposium fell on the shoulders of the Organizing Committee. Their dedicated efforts and attention to detail are recognized and appreciated. Also, each paper in the Proceedings was reviewed and the assistance provided by the reviewers listed below is acknowledged.

Advisory Committee

John Blair, President, OMCA
Bruce Clark, President, CCMPA
Eric Fines, President, CPCA
Bert Frizzel, President, CBAC
Steve Gariepy, President, OCBA
Ahmed A. Hamid, Chaír, 6th North America Masonry ConFercnce
John Matthys, President, The Masonry Society
Vermon Neis, Chair, 6th Canadian Masonry Symposium
Nigel Shrive, Chaìr, 10th Int. Brick/Block Masonry Conference

Organizing Committee

Robert Drysdale, Clair (McMaster University)
Darcy Courville, (OCBA)
Marna Drysdale, (McMaster Unívcrsity)
Carol Elford, (CMCA)
Lu Fornoville, (Canada Brick)
Mark Patemia, (Masonry Council of Canada)
Cameron Ridsale, (CPCA)


Dan Abrams
Darcy Corville
Robert Drysdale
Tom Grimm
Mike Hatzinikolas
Magdy Khattab
David Laird
Vernon Neis
Cameron Ridsdale
Nigel Shrive
Sam Chidiac
John Dawe
Luc Fomoville
Ping Guo
Art Huizer
Rich Klinger
Peul Maurcnbrecher
Mark Patamia
C.K. Seah
Margaret Thomson

Industry Sponsorship

Canadian Concrete Masonry Producers Association
Canadian Masonry Contractors Association
Canadian Portland Cement Association
Clay Brick Association of Canada
Faculty of Engineering, McMaster University
Ontario Concrete Block Association
Ontario Masonry Contractors Association
The Masonry Society

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