Juan José Pérez Gavilán Escalante, Svetlana2 Brzev, Daniel Quiun, Sara Ganzerli, Eric Espinosa Cazarin, Matthew Reiter, Mitchell Borseth and Bernard Olewski
Juan José Pérez Gavilán Escalante, Research Professor, Institute of Engineering, UNAM, Mexico, email: jperezgavilane@iingen.unam.m
Svetlana2 Brzev, Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, UBC, Canada, email: sbrzev@mail.ubc.ca
Daniel Quiun, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, PUCP, Peru, email: dquiun@pucp.edu.pe
Sara Ganzerli,Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Gonzaga University, USA, email: ganzerli@gonzaga.edu
Eric Espinosa Cazarin, Ph.D. student, UAM, Mexico, email: al2171800189@azc.uam.mx
Matthew Reiter, Section Manager, Architecture & Structural Engineering, Cornell University, USA, email: mtr68@cornell.edu
Mitchell Borseth, Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Gonzaga University, USA, email:mborseth2@zagmail.gonzaga.edu
Bernard Olewski, Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Gonzaga University, USA, email: bolewski@zagmail.gonzaga.edu
Confined masonry (CM) is a construction system which consists of masonry wall panels enclosed by vertical and horizontal reinforced concrete confining elements. The presence of these confining
elements distinguishes CM from unreinforced masonry system and makes this technology suitable for the construction of structures in regions subjected to intense seismic or wind actions. The technology has been applied in many countries and has been adapted to meet local construction practices and needs. The purpose of the paper is to review past research studies related to the behaviour of confined masonry and the main contributions towards the understanding and characterization of the performance of the CM structures subjected to the effect of axial loading, bending and shear due to in-plane and out-of-plane lateral loading. The paper analyzes the key parameters which were considered in past research studies and discusses their influence on seismic behaviour of CM buildings. Needs for future research related to CM structures are identified.
KEYWORDS: confined masonry, in-plane shear behaviour, in-plane flexural behaviour, out-ofplane resistance, walls with openings, seismic design