CMDC has worked in collaboration with Mark Green from Queen's University.
Supporting Innovation through Research Partnerships
Work has been conducted on the following projects:
Recycled Aggregate for Block Production
Project Summary:
To produce high quality concrete masonry units, block producers generally define concrete mixes by a trial process that makes it difficult to test new types of aggregates, such as Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA), because it interferes with production efficiency. Furthermore, block producers normally produce block in runs of thousands of units at a time, which makes it difficult to make many trial mixes with different RCA replacement ratios. The use of RCA for the production of concrete masonry units is explored in a laboratory setting by simulating the industrial manufacturing process.

Select Journal Articles:
Sarhat, Salah, Sheikh Hamza Rizwan, Mohammad Gibran Mirza, Mark Green, and Bennett Banting. “The Use of Recycled Aggregates in the Production of Concrete Masonry Units: A Critical Review and a Statement on the Current Research Needs.” In Masonry 2022. ASTM International, 2022.
Select Theses and HQP:
Mohammad Gibran Mirza: