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Frederickx, Florian1; Vandoren, Bram2 and Degée, Hervé3

1 PhD student, Hasselt University, Construction Engineering Research Group, Hasselt, Belgium,
2 Assistant Professor, Hasselt University, Construction Engineering Research Group, Hasselt, Belgium,
3 Associate Professor, Hasselt University, Construction Engineering Research Group, Hasselt, Belgium,

This contribution deals with the numerical modelling of hybrid unreinforced masonry-reinforced concrete wall structures (i.e. RC and URM walls coupled by reinforced concrete beams or slabs). Although the combination of these materials is used as a bracing system in several countries, oversimplified design assumptions are often applied due to a lack of knowledge of the structural behaviour of such systems. Therefore, this paper aims at improving this knowledge. The numerical campaign resorts to a pushover analysis: the focus is put on the lateral bracing resistance under statically applied loads. A finite element model, proposed in a previous study, is further refined to account for larger drift demands. The experimental campaign which has been carried out at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) is used to calibrate the model. The FE-model is proved as able to accurately predict the distribution of axial loads, base shear and base moment between the two walls. In a subsequent stage, the numerical model is used to perform a parametric analysis on global geometric parameters. Preliminary results of this campaign are presented. It is a first step towards an optimisation of the performances of such hybrid unreinforced masonry-reinforced concrete wall structures.


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