1 Bantrel Inc. 4999-98 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6B 2X3, SiveskiZ@Bantrel.com
2 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Winston@Escape.ca
This paper presents a comprehensive structural analysis of shear connected cavity walls, vertically spanned, subject to wind load. Cavity wall is a masonry assembly comprising two wythes separated by a continuous cavity and tied together, via non-conventional metal connectors. The new shear-connector changes significantly the role and the structural behaviour of traditional cavity walls with flexible ties. Also, the new Standard, CSA CAN3- S304.1 – M94 Masonry Design/or Buildings – Limit States Design, introduces requirements, such as strength and serviceability, that must be met in design. For both reasons, there is a great need for a rational approach and more realistic prediction of structural performance of the cavity wall.
A computer program has been developed that performs the first order non-linear structural analysis of shear-connected cavity walls taking account of non-linear material properties of the wythes. A rational approach has been employed and the analysis is based on the combination of compatibility method and stiffness method.
In this paper, the proposed method is conceptually founded on the premise that the method of analysis should be independent of the procedure for estimating material properties in order to be valid for current as well as for possible future knowledge of these properties.
The program itself has a twofold purpose: To aid the engineer in the design process of the cavity wall, respecting the limit states design requirements and usage in evaluating the test results of the cavity wall.