Professor John Roberts[1]), Professor Norman Bright[2])
- Dean, Faculty of Technology, Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2EE, UKĀ
- Visiting Professor, Kingston University Consulting Engineer, Fairview, Stoodleigh, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 9PR, UK
The harmonisation of European Standards for masonry materials under the auspices of CEN
TC125 and for the design of masonry under CEN TC250/SC6 has brought together a disparate range of traditions, practices and applications for masonry. To accommodate this broad base of uses, historic national limits have been challenged and the proposed standards include minimum threshold values for properties such as strength. The planned introduction across Europe of the new structural design code Eurocode 6 – EN 1996 for Masonry together with the supporting masonry product standards and test method standards coincides with an increased emphasis on sustainability, energy conservation and the efficiency of the construction process.
This paper looks at the potential applications of low strength masonry, reviews the design information currently available and identifies where new information needs to be provided. It shows that there are a number of opportunities to exploit low strength masonry, particularly in low rise structures, with the potential for improvements in both the construction process and the performance standards achieved.
Key Words: masonry, structure, low strength, energy, lightweight, European Standards