1 Portland Cement Association, 5420 Old Orchard Rd., Skokie, IL, 60077, USA
2 National Concrete Masonry Association, 2302 Horse Pen Road, Herndon, VA, 20171, USA
This paper investigates the relationship between the flexural strength of concrete masonry walls and prisms constructed using masonry cement mortars. Results obtained in this study are compared to results from previous studies and conclusions are presented with respect to the potential flexural bond strength of concrete masonry constructed with masonry cement mortars.
The research included testing of concrete masonry specimens using Type S masonry cement mortars. Three different cement manufacturers supplied the masonry cements. Ten walls were constructed for each of the mortars using nominal 203x203x406-mm (8x8x 16-in.) hollow concrete masonry units. Flexural strengths of wall walls were determined in accordance with ASTM E 72. A uniform transverse load was applied over the face of the wall specimens by pressurizing an air bag sandwiched between the wall and a rigid test frame.
Three companion two-unit, stacked-bond prisms were fabricated during the construction of each wall and were tested in flexure using a bond wrench apparatus. In addition, the flexural bond strength of each mortar in combination with standard concrete testing brick was determined. Six prisms, each containing five mortar joints, were fabricated using controlled fabrication and curing.