1 Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, Digital Building Laboratory, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0155 USA. russell.gentry@coa.gatech.edu
2 Professor and Director, Georgia Institute of Technology, Digital Building Laboratory, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0155 USA. chuck.eastman@coa.gatech.edu
3 Principal, Biggs Consulting Engineering, Troy, NY 12180 USA. biggsconsulting@att.net
Building Information Modeling (BIM) provides a unifying framework for building design, analysis, and construction. The BIM model provides a digital representation of the building, so that the modeling and analysis tools used by architects, engineers, constructors, managers and owners can read from and write to the same information source. Over the last 20 years, the development of material-specific BIM tools has been led by the structural steel and precast-concrete industries, and recent efforts are advancing the state of the art in cast-in-place concrete. This paper reports on a national initiative in the United States to develop BIM requirements for masonry. The National Building Information Modeling for Masonry Initiative (BIM-M) is developing a roadmap for BIM development in five key areas: architectural parametric modeling, structural modeling and analysis, masonry construction activities, construction management, and masonry materials provision. The paper introduces the overall initiative, provides background on the development of the BIM-M roadmap, which has just recently been released, and highlights key aspects of each area of BIM for masonry.
KEYWORDS: building information modeling, BIM