F.da Porto, F. Casarin, E. Garbin, M. Grendene, C. Modena, M.R. Valluzzi
Dept. of Structural and Transportation Eng., University of Padova, Via Marzolo 9, 35131 Padova, Italy daporto@dic.unipd.it
In the framework of the European contract CRAFT-1999-70420 ‘ISO-BRICK’, several European institutions and private companies developed a semi-prefabricated solution for short and medium span shell roofs, inspired by the innovative curved masonry shells for roofs and walls designed by the well-known Uruguayan architect and engineer Eladio Dieste. The main aim of the research was that of finding an industrialized solution for the construction of those elements and to prove their structural reliability. As part of the research, two prototype buildings were built in Italy.
To get all the necessary data for design, as assumed in prEN 1990 (1990), a series of tests to obtain specific material properties and to reduce uncertainties in resistance models were carried out at the University of Padua. A full size model of the curved shell was built and tested in order to evaluate the ultimate resistance. Dynamic tests were carried out at different levels of damage during the static loading tests. Test on small specimens were carried out to evaluate the feasibility of construction and properties related to the durability of the construction. On the basis of the gained knowledge, the two buildings were designed and built, and subsequently control tests to check the behaviour of the actual structures were carried out.
KEYWORDS: semi-prefabrication; reinforced masonry shells; design by testing.