K.M.C.Konthesingha1a, M.J.Masia2a, R.B.Petersen3a, A.W.Page4a
1 PhD candidate, Chaminda.Konthesinghamuhandiramlage@studentmail.newcastle.edu.au, 2 Senior Lecturer, Mark.Masia@newcastle.edu.au , 3 PhD candidate, robert.petersen@studentmail.newcastle.edu.au, 4 Emeritus Professor, Adrian.Page@newcastle.edu.au a Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability, School of Engineering, The University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia.
The results of pull tests performed on six near surface mounted (NSM) CFRP retrofitted clay brick masonry prisms are presented in this paper. Quasi static cyclic axial displacements were applied to the FRP strip (inducing shear in the bond between strip and masonry). The specimens were subjected to increasing cycles of displacement until failure occurred. Two loading histories were used for the experiment. The results presented here include the bond strength, critical bond length and cyclic bond slip behaviour. The degradation due to cyclic loading compared to monotonic loading is also discussed using the results of similar specimens tested for monotonic loading.
KEYWORDS: Masonry, Retrofit, Fibre reinforced polymer, Slip, Bond, Cyclic loads