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Dukuze1, J. L. Dawe2, Y. Zou3

  1. Senior Structural Engineer, B.I.D. Canada Ltd.
  2. Professor, 3Visiting Professor Department of Civil Engineering University of New Brunswick Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3


Twenty-one brick infill panels surrounded by a reinforced concrete frame were tested under in-plane diagonal loading. Three other similar specimens were tested under racking load. The height-to-length ratio and the ratio of beam moment of inertia to column moment of inertia of the surrounding frame were varied within the specimen group.

Experimental results indicated that the general behavior of a reinforced concrete frame with masonry panel could be divided into three distinct phases including a linear response up to the occurrence of the first crack, the post cracking and the post-ultimate phases. An analytical model based on the experimental results was developed to predict the ultimate strength of reinforced concrete infilled frames.

Key words: masonry panel; reinforced concrete frame; crack load; strength


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