Yuan Zhenfang1 and Liu Bin2
A new version of the Chinese code for design of masonry structures (GB50003-2001) which covers a whole system of unreinforced and reinforced masonry members for non seismic and seismic design is presented briefly in the paper.
China is the most popular country in using masonry and with vast earthquake potential in the world. Based on the experiences of past earthquake damages to masonry buildings and massive tests and analysises, both the confined masonry for multistory and the reinforced concrete masonry for high-rises have been established and introduced into the Chinese codes: The code for seismic design of buildings and code for design of masonry structures. The masonry code only covers the part of the earthquake resistant design and structural detailings for masonry members.
Key words: Masonry Structure, Code, Reinforced Member, Confined Masonry, Seismic Design,