We are a collaborative team of professionals, working across our various offices to support you
Bennett Banting, Ph.D., P.Eng
Directeur des services techniques
Bennett R. Banting is the current Director of Technical Services for the Canada Masonry Design Centre in the Ottawa, ON office.
He began as a graduate student with a NSERC industrial postgraduate scholarship visiting the CMDC office back in 2007 and started to work full-time for CMDC in 2012 as a NSERC industrial research and development post-doctoral fellow. His Ph.D. dissertation from McMaster University was instrumental in the introduction of masonry boundary elements and the ductile shear walls SFRS category to the 2014 edition of the CSA S304 design standard. For his work he was the recipient of the TMS Ph.D. Thesis award in 2015.
Over the years he has overseen 40+ grant-leveraged masonry research programs at 15 Universities across Canada, taught numerous full masonry design courses for professional engineers, undergraduate and graduate students at various venues, presented and spoken at numerous conferences and seminars, and has published dozens of peer-reviewed journal papers, conference papers, and other industry literature and research reports on behalf of the masonry industry. He is the current Vice Chair of CSA S304 and serves as a voting or non-voting member of several other CSA, ACI and ULC committees as well as various committees and working groups at the National Buildings Code of Canada. He has served as the technical committee chair for the 13th and 14th Canadian Masonry Symposium and is a regular reviewer of masonry publications for 7 different journals, receiving the ASCE award for outstanding reviewer twice. He is the current lead author of the Masonry Structures: Behaviour and Design, 2nd Canadian Edition masonry design textbook.
David Stubbs, P.Eng
Directeur exécutif
David est le directeur du CMDC. Il est diplômé de l’Université McMaster et a commencé sa carrière à l’OMCA en 1998. Le CMDC a été créé en janvier 2003 lorsque les services techniques de l’OMCA ont été étendus au niveau national. La formation d’ingénieur de David, combinée à ses solides relations de travail avec les entrepreneurs en maçonnerie, a facilité le développement de nombreux séminaires, cours d’ingénierie avancés et ateliers pratiques pour le calcul et la construction efficaces de structures en maçonnerie. David a été fortement impliqué dans l’élaboration des normes CSA 2004 et 2014. Sous la direction de David et grâce à sa grande implication, le CMDC a publié le manuel le plus complet disponible pour les concepteurs canadiens, « Masonry Structures – Behaviour and Design » (Structures en maçonnerie – Comportement et conception). Plus récemment, David a participé au développement et au lancement du logiciel de calcul structural MASS™. David continue également à participer à de nombreux programmes de recherche sur la maçonnerie à travers le Canada.
Rencontrer le reste de l'équipe
Working together, across the country
CMDC head office operates within the Canada Masonry Centre, located in the Greater Toronto Area just West of Toronto Pearson Airport. Conveniently right next door is the Ontario Masonry Training Centre, where apprentices across Ontario can train to become certified, red-seal masons. Engineers, architects and contractor members in the area are always welcome to stop by and say hello (and maybe ask us a masonry question or two!).
Brad Crumb, P.Eng.
Ingénieur concepteur en maçonnerie
Brad fait partie de l’équipe du CMDC depuis qu’il a obtenu son diplôme d’ingénierie de l’Université McMaster en 2011. Il a d’abord supervisé le développement du logiciel MASS (Masonry Analysis Structural Systems) et en a assuré le soutien technique. Brad consacre aujourd’hui une grande partie de son temps à fournir un support technique général aux concepteurs et aux entrepreneurs en maçonnerie membres pour tout ce qui concerne la conception et la construction en maçonnerie, ainsi qu’à aider à organiser des cours de conception, des séminaires et des lunch-and-learn pour les les cabinets d’architectes et d’ingénieurs.
Luisa Carrillo
Assistante administrative technique
Luisa s’est jointe CMDC en mai 2013 en tant qu’assistante administrative technique après avoir obtenu un diplôme en technologie architecturale au Humber College. Luisa est notamment chargée de fournir une assistance aux utilisateurs de MASS™ en ce qui concerne les ventes de logiciels, les renouvellements de licences et les activations. Elle réalise également des dessins techniques à l’aide de Revit et d’AutoCAD, ajoutant ainsi à l’offre de services techniques du CMDC.
Gurparam Kang, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Ingénieur concepteur en maçonnerie
Gurparam a étudié le génie civil et a obtenu son baccalauréat en ingénierie à l’Université Carleton et sa maitrise en sciences appliquées à l’Université de Waterloo. Il a travaillé dans le domaine du génie conseil en tant qu’ingénieur en structures chez Morrison Hershfield. Depuis qu’il s’est joint à l’équipe du CMDC, ses fonctions consistent à fournir un support technique aux concepteurs et à contribuer au développement du logiciel de calcul MASS.
Bureau d'Ottawa
The Ottawa office, established in 2022, boasts a premier downtown location. It marks CMDC’s second office in Ontario and was strategically created to establish a presence in the national capital region. This location aligns with our goal to be in proximity to notable entities such as NRC, the Federal Government, and numerous other technical and construction-focused associations and groups.
Bennett Banting, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Directeur des services techniques
Outside of his leadership role with CMDC (more details available here), Bennett also oversees the national research initiatives at CMDC and provides technical and educational support for designers and students in the Ottawa region as well as across Canada. He is the current vice-chair of CSA S304 and the lead author of the Masonry Structures: Behaviour and Design, 2nd Canadian Edition masonry design textbook.
Bureau de l'Alberta - Calgary
The CMDC Western Office is based within the Calgary Construction Centre (home of the Calgary Construction Association – CCA). The Calgary Construction Centre is located in the Northeast just off Deerfoot Trail.
Monica Guzman, M.Sc., P.Eng.
Ingénieur concepteur en maçonnerie
Monica studied civil engineering in her home country of Venezuela before coming to Canada and completing her Master of Science Degree in Structures and Solid Mechanics at the University of Calgary. She works at the CMDC Calgary office and her duties involve providing technical assistance to contractors, architects and engineers, supporting CMDC with courses and seminars, participating in the development of the CSA masonry standards, and supporting in the development of the MASS™ design software.
Bureau de l'Atlantique - Dartmouth
The Atlantic Masonry Institute (AMI) is an organization of masonry contractors, manufacturers and suppliers dedicated to the promotion of quality masonry construction through training, support, and workforce development. AMI was founded in 2016, was a driving force behind the opening of the CMDC Atlantic office in Nova Scotia, and manages a high school masonry program in high schools throughout the Atlantic Provinces.
Andrew Smith, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Ingénieur concepteur en maçonnerie
Andrew completed his B.Sc. and M.A.Sc. in Civil Engineering from Dalhousie University and he works at the CMDC-Atlantic Office. He is the author of the Atlantic Canada Multi-Residential Construction Cost Comparison Study, he provides technical assistance to engineers and architects from Atlantic Canada, he supports the development of MASS Software, and is a member of Technical Committees for the CSA masonry standards as well as for Z797 and B354 for Access Scaffolding and Mast Climbing Work Platforms respectively. Andrew also works with the Atlantic Masonry Institute to assist in the development of the future masonry workforce.
Bureau du Québec - Montréal
The Association des entrepreneurs en maçonnerie du Québec (AEMQ) is a non-for-profit association representing masonry contractors, producers and suppliers as well as professionals and academics. AEMQ’S mission is to promote, protect, develop, and defend the masonry industry in Quebec. The Board of directors is composed of representatives of the different contractor sectors (ICI, restauration and residential) and our academic and associate members. We are very focused on the development of the competencies of our contractor members to support high quality masonry throughout the province. AEMQ’s vision is that through our expertise and innovative actions, we are determined to be leaders in the mobilization of our partners at the service of our members so that masonry can shine throughout Quebec.
Adrien Sparling, Ph.D., ing.
Ingénieur concepteur en maçonnerie
Adrien grew up in Winnipeg where he completed his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Civil Engineering at the University of Manitoba. He continued his studies at York University in Toronto where he earned his Ph.D. in 2022. Adrien was a recipient of the NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Post-Graduate Doctoral scholarship from 2016 to 2018 as well as the Queen Elisabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology in 2019. Since 2022, he is part of the technical design team at the Canada Masonry Design Centre and works in close collaboration with the Association des entrepreneurs en maçonnerie du Québec (AEMQ) from the Québec regional office. Although Adrien’s technical education has been in English, his francophone background is an asset as he brings the resources of the Canada Masonry Design Centre to La Belle Province with the establishment of an office in Montreal.
Bureau de la Saskatchewan - Saskatoon
Established in 1980, the Saskatchewan Masonry Institute (SMI) has deep historical roots in the province, with skilled bricklayers and stone masons contributing to many iconic buildings. Today, SMI is the official voice of the masonry industry in the province, promoting quality masonry wall systems to various stakeholders. SMI also plays a vital role in apprenticeship training and is a founding Venture Partner of the Canada Masonry Design Centre (CMDC), supporting local and national technical initiatives. SMI is comprised of professional masonry contractors, producers, and suppliers who are dedicated to the promotion of quality masonry wall systems
Bureau de la Colombie-Britannique - Vancouver
CMDC is excited to be supported by the local masonry contractor associations of British Columbia (Masonry Contractors Association of British Columbia and Canadian Masonry Contractors Association of British Columbia and Yukon) to offer technical services to designers and contractor members across the west coast, in an effort to partner with the Masonry Institute of British Columbia (MIBC) to complement their existing suite of technical resources.
Jawdat Alfarra, M.ASc., P. Eng.
Ingénieur concepteur en maçonnerie
Jawdat Alfarra est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en génie civil du collège universitaire de Jubail, en Arabie Saoudite. Il a poursuivi ses études en obtenant une maîtrise en sciences en ingénierie structurale à l’université de Saskatchewan, au Canada. Ses recherches ont porté sur le comportement mécanique des assemblages de maçonnerie, en particulier sur l’impact des adjuvants antigel à des températures de durcissement inférieures au point de congélation. Actuellement membre de l’équipe du CMDC, Jawdat fournit une assistance technique aux entrepreneurs, aux architectes et aux ingénieurs, en soutenant des cours et des séminaires et en participant activement à l’élaboration des normes CSA sur la maçonnerie. Son engagement à faire progresser le domaine s’aligne sur la vision du CMDC en matière d’innovation et de durabilité dans la construction en maçonnerie, ce qui fait de lui un atout précieux dans la poursuite de l’excellence.