The Organizing Committee wishes to express its sincere thanks to all of the sponsors who contributed to the 9th Canadian Masonry Symposium. Without this assistance it would not have been possible to carry out the successful organization of the Symposium. A list of sponsors is presented below.
Many thanks also to the various Committees whose members have been consulted over the past three years and who have helped promote the Symposium on an international scale. Their valuable opinions have also been very helpful and their assistance in chairing various sessions and making this a successful event is very much a key part of the running of the Symposium.
Owing to a somewhat opportune geographical location, several quite capable colleagues very kindly agreed to perform editorial and technical paper review duties. Thanks for the many hours of poring over papers. All committee members are listed below.
Without the infrastructure of the Department of Civil Engineering and the University of New Brunswick, with all of the attendant perquisites, the task of organizing this conference would be unthinkable to say the least. Very sincere thanks are extended to the following people for their perseverance and dedication: undergraduate students Richard Pennock and Trevor Hansen, graduate students Yi Liu and Ruoyu Zhang, technicians Claudio Riva and Glen Allen, Civil Engineering secretaries Marilyn Calhoun, Marie Comeau, Nancy McEwan, and Theresa Murray and, most especially, the Conference Organizing Secretary, Julie Robichaud.
John Dawe
On behalf of the 9th CMS Organizing Committee