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Hosted in Vancouver, British Columbia

by Dalhousie University

and the Canada Masonry Design Centre

Click here to see all presented papers from the 12th CMS

Conference Chairs:

Svetlana Brzev

Ken Elwood

Bill McEwen


The Twelfth Canadian Masonry Symposium was co-organized by the British Columbia Institute of Technology, the University of British Columbia and the Masonry Institute of BC. The organizers received incredible support from the members of the Organizing Committee, the Canadian Advisory Committee and the Technical Committee.

Technical Committee Members

Don Anderson, Canada, Co-chair
Svetlana Brzev, Canada, Co-chair
Daniel Abrams, USA
QaisarAli, Pakistan
Andrea Benedetti, Italy
David Biggs, USA
Luigia Binda, Italy
Marcial Blondet, Peru
Jitendra Bothara, NewZealand
John Chrysler, USA
John Cooke, Canada
Francisco Crisafulli, Argentina
Dina D’Ayalla, UK
Junwu Dai, China
SreekantaDas, Canada
Manicka Dhanasekar, Australia
RobertDrysdale, Canada
Augustin Dukuze, Canada
Helen Dutrisac, Canada
WaelEl-Dakhakhni, Canada
Mohamed El-Gawady, USA
Ken Elwood, Canada
Khaled Galal, Canada
Edward Gerns, USA
Carl-AlexanderGraubner, Germany
Michael Griffith,  Australia
Rishi Gupta, Canada
Monica Guzman, Canada
VladimirHaatch, Brazil
MarkHagel, Canada
Ahmad Hamid, USA
FariborzHashemian, Canada
Mike Hatzinikolas, Canada
Jason Ingham, NewZealand
Rochelle Jaffe, USA
Greg Johnson, Canada
AndreasKappos, UK
PatrickKelly, Canada
YasserKorany, Canada
AmitKumar, Tajikistan
David Laird, Canada
ShelleyLissel, Canada
Yi Liu, Canada
Paulo Lourenco, Portugal
Marjana Lutman, Slovenia
Guido Magenes, Italy

Organizing Committee

Svetlana Brzev, Co-chair       BCIT
Ken Elwood, Co-chair           UBC
Bill McEwen, Co-chair           MIBC
Don Anderson, Tech-chair     UBC
Rishi Gupta                             BCIT
Greg Johnson                         UBC
Jose Centeno                          UBC
Kristin Maxom                        BCIT
Reginald Sacdalan                 UBC

DirkR.W.Martens, Netherlands
MarkMasia, Australia
BillMcEwen, Canada
MarkMcGinley, USA
DavidMcLean, USA
Ahmed Mebarki, France
ClaudioModena, Italy
Nebojsa Mojsilovic, Switzerland
Maria Ofelia Moroni, Chile
KhalidMosalam, USA
JamesMwangi, USA
John Myers, USA
John Nichols, USA
Marie-Jose Nollet, Canada
NebojsaOjdrovic, Canada
Adrian Page, Australia
Stavroula Pantazopoulou, Cyprus
Leslie Peer, Canada
Juan JosePerez-Gavillan, Mexico
JenniferPopehn, USA
MaxPorter, USA
Daniel Quiun, Peru
DurgeshRai, India
Phillip Samblanet, USA
TomSchacher, Switzerland
Mike Schuller, USA
ArturoSchultz, USA
VeronikaShendova, Macedonia
TedSherwood, Canada
Nigel Shrive, Canada
Bruce Sparling, Canada
Vera Straka, Canada
David Stubbs, Canada
GarySturgeon, Canada
JenniferTanner, USA
ArturoTena Colunga, Mexico
SolomonTesfamariam, Canada
JasonThompson, USA
MargaretThomson, USA
Dianne Throop, USA
Miha Tomazevic, Slovenia
BrianTrimble, USA
Yi-Hsuan Tu, Taiwan
A.T.Vermeltfoort, Netherlands
MikeWilson, Canada
DavidWoodham, USA

Canadian Advisory Committee

Wael El-Dakhakhni               McMaster University
Robert Drysdale                   McMaster University
Patrick Kelly                          Hanson Brick
David Stubbs                        Canada Masonry Design Centre
Gary Sturgeon                      Canadian Concrete Masonry Producers Association
Nigel Shrive                          University of Calgary

Industry Sponsorship

The success of these events is based largely of financial contributions from the masonry industry in the form of symposium sponsorships. This support illustrates the commitment of the industry to masonry research and education, throughout the twelve presentations of the Canadian Masonry Symposium. We thank them on behalf of all the attendees. The sponsors listed below contributed a total of $100,000 to the 12th Canadian Masonry Symposium.

Symposium Lead Sponsor:

Platinum: $50,000

Gold: $15,000 - $49,999

Silver: $5,000 - $14,999

Bronze: $1,000 - $4,999

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