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11th Canadian Masonry Symposium

Hosted and organized as a joint effort in Toronto, Ontario,
by McMaster University and the Canada Masonry Design Centre

Conference Chairs:

Wael W. Ei-Dakhakhni

Robert G. Drysdale


The Eleventh Canadian Masonry Symposium was co-organized by McMaster University and the Canada Masonry Design Centre. The work of the organizers was greatly enhanced by the advice and assistance provided by the members of the Organizing Committee, many of whom had recent experience in hosting similar conferences. Members of the Technical Committee had the primary responsibility for review of the submitted papers under the direction of Wael El-Dakhakhni and members listed below.

In addition, members of both the Canadian Advisory Committee and the International Advisory Committee assisted in promoting the Symposium. Many members also assisted the Technical Committee by reviewing some of the submitted papers.

Organizing Committee

Wael El-Dakhakhni (Chair), McMaster University
Bob Drysdale (Co-Chair), McMaster University
Patrick Kelly, Hanson Brick Ltd.
Shelley Lissel, University of Calgary
Nigel Shrive, University of Calgary
David Stubbs, Canada Masonry Design Centre
Gary Sturgeon, CCMPA
Mike Tait, McMaster University
Rebecca Woodworth, McMaster University

Canadian Advisory Committee

Svetlana Brzev, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Sreekanta Das, University of Windsor
John Dawe, University of New Brunswick
Amir Fam, Queen’s University
Khaled Galal, Concordia University
Yasser Korany, University of Alberta
Yi Liu, Dalhousie University
Bill McEwen, Masonry Institute of British Columbia
Stan Pietruszczak, McMaster University
Bruce Sparling, University of Saskatchewan
Vera Straka, Ryerson Polytechnic University
Gary Suter

International Advisory Committee

Daniel Abrams, USA
Gregg Borchelt, USA
Ahmed Hamid, USA
Gary Hart, USA
Paulo Laurenco, Portugal
Steve Lawrence, Australia
Dirk Martens, Netherlands
Mark Masia, Australia
Tony Nanni, USA
Adrian Page, Australia
Phillip Samblanet, USA
Miha Tomazevic, Slovenia
Ad T. Vermeltfoort, Netherlands

Technical Committee

Panagiotis G. Asteris, Greece
Adrian Bell, UK
David Biggs, USA
Luigia Binda, Italy
Márcio Corrêa, Brazil
M Dhanasekar, Australia
Jeoff Edegll, UK
Mohamed ElGawady, USA
John Forth, UK
Alexander Graubner, Germany
Caspar Groot, Netherlands
Mark Hagel, Canada
Jason Ingham, New Zealand
Rochelle Jaffe, USA
Dave Laird, Canada
G Manos, Greece
John Melander, USA
Claudio Modena, Italy
Nebojsa Mojsilovic, Switzerland
Franklin Moon, USA
John Nichols, USA
Guilherme Parsekian, Brazil
Jennifer Popehn, USA
Daniel Quiun, Peru
Marcio A. Ramalho, Brazil
Patrick Rand, USA
Mahmoud Reda Taha, USA
John Roberts, UK
Benson Shing, USA
Braj Sinha, UK
Jennifer Tanner, USA
Margaret Thomson, USA
Thanasis Triantafillou, Greece
Herbert Uzoegbo, South Africa
Maria Rosa Valluzzi, Italy

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